October update – what an inspiring, amazing week of action!

Powerful resistance to the DSEI arms fair

Hundreds of people gathered outside the ExCeL centre in east London to take action against the awful and immoral DSEI arms fair last month. The sheer breadth and inventiveness of the actions to impede the fair was amazing to see. There were countless locks on, people clambering onto military vehicles to stop them entering ExCeL, drag aerobics and meetings of worships plus so much more. The set up of the fair was disrupted, with the No Faith in War day blockading the fair for over seven hours, which has to be a record! As for the amazing activists who used a kayak to disrupt a BAE Systems boat display, well, kudos! There was some media coverage, for example in the Guardian and Morning Star. You can also see videos of each day of action here. Sadiq Khan again condemned the fair. Over 100 people were arrested during the fair so do keep an eye on the Stop the Arms Fair website for the court dates and go and support them if you can.

BAE Systems and BP have no place sponsoring New Scientist Live

BAE Systems are returning to the ExCeL centre after last month’s DSEI arms fair with another heinous company BP as part of New Scientist Live. The companies are sponsoring this event about the joys of science, thus dragging it down to their level. Having two of the world’s most destructive companies as an integral part of your event is definitely not a good look. We shall be there from 12pm on Saturday 12 October, along with BP or not BP and Demilitarise Kings to protest these awful companies involvement in the event. See the Facebook event here and do joins us!

Next London CAAT meeting, October 15th

Join us on Tuesday October 15th for our monthly meeting where we will plan future actions. We meet at 6.30pm in the CAAT office in Finsbury Park – the address is Unit 4, 5-7 Wells Terrace, N4 3JU. All welcome.

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