October update – Victory as Liverpool arms fair cancelled!

Liverpool’s electronic arms fair shut down

After an excellent campaign by local campaigners, the Liverpool electronic arms fair that was due to take place in November has been cancelled. They set up a petition and called on people to write to the Mayor and local councillors. Even better, they secured a commitment from Liverpool’s Mayor, Joe Anderson, to establish an ethical events charter. You can read CAAT’s statement on this commitment here. You can also see a powerful message about the cancellation from the mother of the murdered Gaza paramedic Razan Al-Najjar here. Massive congratulations to all those who took action. The campaign was supported by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, CAAT, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and BDS National Committee.

British complicity in Saudi war on Yemen continues

The UK continues to be complicit in the death and destruction in Yemen. A UN report has warned that the UK could be ‘aiding and assisting’ Saudi Arabia war crimes through their arms sales to the Saudis. Also, Declassified has exposed that the British training of Saudi pilots is continuing despite the renewed bombing of Yemen. The hypocrisy of the Tories praising the UK’s aid contributions to Yemen while continuing these sales was laid bare in a recent parliamentary debate. You can write to your MP regarding these heinous arms sales here.

London CAAT meetings

Our meetings are still taking place online so if you want to attend a meeting, please send an email to londoncaat at riseup.net and we will send you details. The meetings are the third Tuesday of every month at 6.30pm.

Finally, you can also check out CAAT’s awesome new People Not War zine – download a copy from their homepage.

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