March update: Join us to call for an end to British support for the war on Yemen

As the war on Yemen enters its sixth year, join the rally calling for its immediate end

Six years ago, the Saudi-led coalition began a brutal and devastating bombardment of Yemen. This war has claimed 233,000 lives and it is estimated that 24 million Yemenis need humanitarian assistance. This was has been supported all of the way with UK-built aircraft firing UK-made missiles. The UK is fully complicit in this war and bears a great responsibility for the carnage in Yemen.

Join Stop the War coalition on March 26th, the anniversary of the war’s start, to call for an immediate end to British support for the war, an end to the arms sales to the coalition and an end to all military support. Speakers at the rally include Ahmed Al-Babati, Jeremy Corbyn and Andrew Feinstein. You can find more details and sign up here.

We will also be holding a vigil to stand in solidarity with the people of Yemen and commemorate the lives that have been lost there since the war began. This will be immediately after the rally at 7pm. We will hear from the Yemeni journalist Ahmad Algohbary before reading names of some of the innocent civilians killed in Yemen and then light some candles in memory of them. You can find more details here.

Sign up for CAAT’s Digital conference!

CAAT will be hosting their annual conference online this year on March 19th-21st and they have put together an amazing programme that will be educational, interactive and inspiring. There will be panels marking 10 years of the Arab uprisings of 2011, rethinking security and on the role of art and creativity in our resistance. It’s bound to be stimulating weekend so please go here for more info and to sign up.

CAAT nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize!

We are very excited to announce that CAAT have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize alongside their partner organisation Mwatana for Human Rights, a grassroots organisation working in Yemen. This is fantastic news and testament to both organisation’s sterling work raising awareness about the devastating humanitarian crisis in Yemen and the UK government’s complicity in it through the arms sales and support it provides to the Saudi-led coalition.

Mwatana have done amazing work documenting human rights violations by all parties in the war and raising the voices of victims. You can check our their website here and read more about the important work they do.

CAAT have written a blog on what the nomination means for their campaigning and you can read that here. One of the main benefits is that it is an opportunity to bring to the world’s attention the suffering Yemeni people have endured since the war started. This is a war that is fuelled by western weapons, including £6.8 billion worth of arms by the UK alone.

We are grateful to The American Friends Service Committee and Quaker Peace & Social Witness for nominating CAAT and Mwatana.