October update: Join us to stand in solidarity with migrants

Stop the Italy-Libya Memorandum

On October 15th, global protests will take place outside Italian embassies to oppose the renewal of the Italy-Libya Memorandum of Understanding. This memorandum is the backdoor of the cooperation of the EU with the militia-led Libyan coast guard, the hellish detention system, and the silent tragedies of thousands of invisible deaths in the Sahara at the southern border. Refugees in Libya started their protests 329 days ago in October 2021 but they are still exposed to structural violence, arbitrary detention in inhumane conditions, torture, enslavement and murder. People are still drowning in the Mediterranean daily or being pulled back by both the so-called Libyan coast guard and the newly established Stability Support Apparatus.

Join us on the 15th to oppose the renewal of this inhumane memorandum. We will be outside the Italian embassy (14 Three Kings Yard, London, W1K 4EH) from 2pm to hear from Migrant Rights, Campaign Against Arms Trade, Global Women Against Deportation and the mic will be open to people with lived experience of migration. You can find out more details here and there is also a Facebook event – feel free to share that.

What else are we up to?

We are continuing to promote our petition to remove the advert for BAE Systems from Westminster tube station. Another successful leafleting session saw an increase in signatures and we have plans to return to the station with an eye-catching action so do come along to a meeting to find out more about that! (details below).

We are also planning some work around borders and migration. After our film on the Arab Spring uprisings, we are working on another film about militarised borders, UK complicity in them and how arms companies profit from war and the refugees war creates. We are also planning a launch event for this new film so keep an eye out for that.

London CAAT meetings

Our meetings are on the third Tuesday of every month at 6.30pm and are still taking place online. If you want to attend a meeting, please reply to this email and we will send you details.

In peace

London CAAT