January update: Join us to oppose an arms fair and an arms trade dinner

Say no to the Twickenham arms fair!

At the end of this month, the International Armoured Vehicle exhibition is returning to Twickenham Stadium for the second year in a row. It is scheduled for January 23-26 and Richmond and Kingston Palestine Solidarity Campaign and local peace groups will be taking action to oppose it. The fair will be a forum where manufacturers of weapons tested on civilians and children will be meeting with military representatives from countries who regularly use them on civilians and children. This fair is abhorrent and must be strongly resisted. Please see below for an outline of the protests against the fair.

  • There are street stalls to inform the public about the fair on January 14th and 21st 12–2pm in Twickenham town centre. Meet at the corner of Water Lane and Church Street.
  • Tuesday January 17th 7pm – screening of the film The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade, followed by a Q&A with the author/director Andrew Feinstein. Get a ticket for £5 from here.
  • There will be a protest at 2.30-4.30pm outside Twickenham Stadium on the opening day of the fair on January 23rd. Meet at Whitton Road by the statue. More details on the Facebook event here.

There is also a letter to the Rugby Football Union and the owners of the stadium calling on them to revoke permission for the use of the stadium for the fair. You can sign that here.

Join Richmond and Kingston PSC to oppose this awful event that will contribute to more death and destruction globally. This and other arms fairs should not be allowed to take place on our shores.

Say no to the annual arms dealer dinner!

On January 31st the UK arms trade hold its annual fancy black tie dinner in central London. They will be gather to toast their immoral and destructive business. The Aerospace, Defence and Security dinner will bring arms dealers, MPs and military personnel together to schmooze, swill champagne, and feast on expensive food.

The companies at this dinner have supplied weapons to the Saudi-led coalition for their war on Yemen, facilitated oppression in Bahrain and contributed to Israel’s occupation of Palestine. These companies cause so much death, destruction and misery around the world.

Their business cannot go unchallenged. Bring your placards, noise and passion to oppose this horrendous event. More details can be found here. The venue is not something they announce publicly so keep checking this page for details of the location.

CAAT takes the UK government to court over arms sales to Saudi Arabia

The High Court has confirmed that CAAT’s legal case to challenge the government over the supply of UK weapons for the war in Yemen has been listed for hearing on 31st January – 2nd February 2023. This is a fantastic chance to stop UK support for the devastating war on Yemen. You can read more about the case here.