Report Launch – “In Our Millions”


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Since the start of October 2023, there have been weekly protests around the world calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, an end to the relentless slaughter of Palestinians and a halt on the export of weapons used against civilians by the Israeli government.

In England and Wales, these protests have faced increasingly severe police restrictions, have been vilified as “hate marches” and there have been calls for the outright banning of demonstrations. Hundreds have been arrested and in some instances, protesters have been accused of antisemitism and “glorifying terrorism”. Campaigners have been referred to the government’s Prevent counter-radicalisation programme, and police officers have followed individuals after protests or turning up without warning at their homes.

Named after a rallying cry of demonstrators, “In Our Millions” is informed by evidence from numerous witnesses, including protesters, legal observers, and arrestee support volunteers.

Netpol are live-streaming their launch event in London to ensure as many people as possible can hear more about its contents and conclusions.

Speakers include report author Professor Gargi Bhattacharyya and guests with personal experience of the policing of Palestine solidarity protests since the start of Israel’s war on the people of Gaza. The event is chaired by Kevin Blowe, Netpol’s campaigns coordinator.

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