March update: Join us to protest against the arms dealers dinner

Arms dealers dine while the war on Yemen continues

March 23rd will see the UK arms trade hold its annual fancy black tie dinner in central London. Join us to tell them we do not approve of their immoral and destructive business. The Aerospace, Defence and Security dinner will bring arms dealers, MPs and military personnel together to schmooze, swill champagne, and feast on expensive food.

The companies attending this dinner are responsible for much death and destruction around the world. From supplying weapons to the Saudi-led coalition for their war on Yemen, facilitating oppression in Bahrain and contributing to Israel’s occupation of Palestine, they cause so much misery around the world.

Their business cannot go unchallenged. Bring your placards, noise and passion to oppose this horrendous event. More details can be found here. The venue is not something they advertise (not so proud of their deadly business perhaps?!) so keep checking this page for details of the location.

Seven years of the war on Yemen – join us to mark this inauspicious milestone

On March 26th, it will be seven years since the Saudi-led coalition started their brutal assault on Yemen. The UN estimates that 377,000 war related deaths will have occurred by the end of 2021, including 12,000 civilians in directly targeted attacks. At the same time, over 16 million Yemeni people face acute hunger. The war in Yemen has caused one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world.

Join us at 12pm on Saturday March 26th outside Downing Street to stand in solidarity with the people of Yemen and commemorate all the lives unnecessarily lost in this brutal war. We hope to hear from those affected by the war before lighting candles to commemorate those who have lost their lives. Please find more details here.

Liberation have organised an online meeting at 5pm so please check that out as well – details here. Speakers include Shireen Al-Adeimi, Jeremy Corbyn and our very own Kirsten Bayes.

Yemen lobby day, March 10th

To mark the anniversary of the start of the war on Yemen, CAAT have organised a lobby day – please sign up to talk to your MP and urge them to do everything in their power to stop the war on Yemen. This war has been fuelled by British arms exports, with sales worth more than £20 billion made to Saudi Arabia since the conflict began.

It’s more vital than ever that the UK government stop enabling this war, end arms sales, and make serious efforts to bring the war to an end and promote accountability for atrocities committed by all sides.

If you would like to take part in this Lobby Day, please contact your MP to book a meeting via this link CAAT will send you a briefing pack with the latest information. There will also be an optional online training session to help you make the most of this meeting. Sign up the stop the immoral and deadly arms exports, end the war in Yemen and ensure all those complicit in the death and destruction caused by the war are held accountable.