January update: Join us to protest against the arms dealers dinner

Say no to the annual arms dealer dinner!

On January 30th the UK arms trade will hold its annual fancy black tie dinner in central London. This dinner will bring together arms dealers, MPs and military personnel to schmooze, swill champagne, and feast on expensive food. We cannot think of many more immoral and callous things to do than gather to toast their immoral and destructive business, particularly at a time of ongoing conflict in Gaza.

The companies at this dinner have supplied weapons used by Israel in their ongoing bombardment of Gaza, sold military equipment to the Saudi-led coalition for the war that has devastated Yemen, and facilitated oppression in Bahrain. These companies cause so much death, destruction and misery around the world.

Their deadly business cannot go unchallenged. Bring your placards, noise and passion to oppose this horrendous event. More details can be found here. The venue is not something they announce publicly so keep checking this page for details of the location.

London CAAT meetings

As we move into the new year, our meetings will remain on the third Tuesday of every month at 6.30pm and are still taking place online. At present, we’re having a look forward to the next year and have lots of exciting ideas for actions and targets so do come along to get involved! If you want to attend a meeting, please email us at londoncaat at riseup.net and we will send you details.

As a flavour of the things we got up to last year, we organised a vigil to mark the anniversary of the start of the war on Yemen, made a film about the role the UK played in the Syrian Civil War and the deadly effect of militarised borders in the region (see the film here and a panel discussion about the film here), ran a campaign about the BAE Systems advert at Westminster tube (see some street theatre we did here!), held a walking tour visiting some of the arms companies that exhibited at the heinous DSEI arms fair and organised demos about the proposed visit of the Saudi Crown Prince. So all in all a busy year challenging the evils of the arms trade and we plan more of the same this year!

© 2018 London Campaign Against Arms Trade